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BT Service Status

2024-05-19 01:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Perhaps. The trouble these days is there are many ways - web, app - to access your data on a companies account - and they don't all show the same picture/provide the same info. For example, a can setup a future payment using my banks app, but I cannot see future payments in the app - I need to use the browser.

Having done some diagnostics with the HH2, looking at the logs, swapping for another modem/router I'd determined it wasn't a physical problem with the line and therefore may have been a problem in the locality.  I just wanted to know if there was a general fault. 

My neighbour also asked if there were problems because her router was glowing red. And then she informed me that the street WhatsApp was awash with similar comments. 








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